How to Get HBO Max for $3/Month with Amex Platinum
In the past year, the Amex Platinum Card has added the $240 annual entertainment credit to partially compensate the increased annual fee from $550 to $695. The credits are split into 12 $20 monthly credits which works out for subscription services. The entertainment credit technically only works for Audible, Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu, Peacock, SiriusXM, and The New York Times. The key to get a nearly free HBO Max is with Hulu. Here’s how:
Hulu with HBO Max
You can add HBO Max as an add-on for Hulu by registering through this link. This loophole makes it so that you register HBO Max through Hulu which is an eligible purchase to apply the Amex Platinum’s entertainment credit. Thus, you’ll be watching HBO shows on Hulu’s site, but you’ll be able to search them after buying the HBO Max add-on. There will be no ads on HBO shows that comes with HBO Max.
The cheapest plan for Hulu is Hulu with Ads that costs $7.99/month. With the additional HBO Max plugin, the price increases by 14.99/month. Then, all you have to do on the billing page is to pay with your Platinum Card. Before that though, you want to check if you’re enrolled for the entertainment credit under your Amex Platinum Benefits section. Just click on “Enroll Now” in the big blue button. It will be replaced with a grey check mark after you’ve done so.

First time users will get free trial, but make sure to register before the free trial ends at the last week of the month just to be safe since payment processing can take at least a few business days to complete and correctly apply the credit. After the Amex Platinum’s entertainment credit, you’d be paying as little as $2.98/month on HBO Max and Hulu.

One thing you shouldn’t do is get an annual package with Hulu since Amex Platinum’s entertainment $240 credit is split in increments of $20 a month. Doing so will make the credit only apply once on the date of your registration and have the rest of the credits unused, and they also do not include HBO Max add-on.

Caveat with HBO Max through Hulu
One big caveat with HBO Max through Hulu is that you won’t be able to access old contents from HBO Originals series, and the most recent you can access is the past season of a series when applicable. So, it’s best to register HBO Max through Hulu if you’re only interested in new shows like The Last of Us, but you won’t be able to watch shows like Peacemaker right now if you sign up through Hulu, at least until Season 2 comes out, as an example.
It’s definitely important to consider this so you won’t feel disappointed finding out that you can’t watch the shows you want. This will be a dealbreaker for some, and others will be fine with it. Remember, you can freely cancel the monthly subscription after you’re done with the shows you want to watch.
Getting HBO Max for cheap with the Amex Platinum is pretty straightforward. Signing through Hulu is a workaround that makes applying the entertainment credit possible. If HBO Max does not appeal to you or if you value Hulu more, then you can sign up for the Disney Bundle for $19.99/month which includes Disney+, Hulu with no Ads, and ESPN+ as a “free” alternative.
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